Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Justice for Trayvon Martin

By now, I'm sure all of you have heard the sad details of the Trayvon Martin case. This case hits home for me. Not only because my heart genuinely hurts for the pain that his family must be feeling, or because of the gross injustice that still has yet to be rectified, but also because it happened just a few miles from where I lived for years in Altamonte Springs, FL.

This could have happened to anyone that I know. It could have been you; it could have been me.

I'm not going to spend time preaching about racial injustice; it is America's big white elephant in the room (pun intended), and will probably never be eradicated in my lifetime. I'm not going to preach about the ridiculousness of George Zimmerman's claim of "self-defense," when he CLEARLY stated to the 911 operator that he was following the unarmed 17 year old. I'm not going to preach about how if the roles were reversed, and a black man had shot an unarmed white child, imprisonment wouldn't even be a question; and half of Sanford would be calling for the death penalty. Nor will I preach about the great danger of Florida's Stand Your Ground law, and how the term "self-defense" can be incredibly subjective. No, I'm not going to preach.

Instead, what I will do, is give you the opportunity to review the evidence for yourself. If you haven't done so already, take the time to listen to the 911 calls, and then read the Florida Statutes that relate to the use of deadly force in self defense and the use of deadly force in self defense by an aggressor. THEN make an educated decision. If you agree that this man should at the very least, be arrested and brought to trial to face a jury of his peers -- sign the petition. Better yet, contact Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi and DEMAND JUSTICE for Trayvon! Their phone number is: 866-966-7226. You can also fill out the contact form to file a complaint or inquiry.

Excerpts of the 911 calls:
You can also read a full transcript of George Zimmerman's initial police call here, along with an examination of whether he used a racial epithet, as some listeners have suggested.

Florida Statutes that relate to the use of deadly force in self defense and the use of deadly force in self defense by an aggressor:
776.012 -- Use of force in defense of person. -- A person is justified in using force, except deadly force, against another when and to the extent that the person reasonably believes that such conduct is necessary to defend himself or herself or another against the other’s imminent use of unlawful force. However, a person is justified in the use of deadly force and does not have a duty to retreat if:
(1) He or she reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily    
harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony; or
(2) Under those circumstances permitted pursuant to s. 776.013.
776.041 -- Use of force by aggressor. -- The justification described in the preceding sections of this chapter is not available to a person who:
(1) Is attempting to commit, committing, or escaping after the commission of, a forcible felony; or
(2) Initially provokes the use of force against himself or herself, unless:
(a) Such force is so great that the person reasonably believes that he or she is in imminent danger of death 
or great bodily harm and that he or she has exhausted every reasonable means to escape such danger 
other than the use of force which is likely to cause death or great bodily harm to the assailant; or
(b) In good faith, the person withdraws from physical contact with the assailant and indicates clearly to 
the assailant that he or she desires to withdraw and terminate the use of force, but the assailant continues or resumes the use of force.

Listen, I don't presume to call myself an activist. I'm not one of those people that watches horrific YouTube videos and starts ranting and raving about things I really don't know much about, or protests because Brad and Angelina are doing it. But I DO know the difference between right and wrong... and I am concerned about the scary precedent this case could set, and the racially tense direction our nation is headed in. Most importantly, I do remember pledging my allegiance to the flag of a nation that promised " nation under God, with liberty and justice for all." We can't bring Trayvon Martin back. But we can unite and demand that he receives his justice. As I write this, The Million Hoodie March is taking place in New York City's Union Square (incidentally coinciding with the United Nations International Day To End Racial Discrimination). Put your hoods up, people. Look in the mirror. Ask yourself if YOU look suspicious. Then do the right thing and demand justice for Trayvon Martin, who could have been anyone's son or brother. Again... it takes a village.

Do I look suspicious?

Roots Rock Reggae

The hubs and I just recently returned from our first trip to Jamaica, where we celebrated our third anniversary (still together!). We flew into Montego Bay, and then made the hour or so drive through the back o' bush to Negril, and then through even more bush aaaaalllll the way to West Bumba, otherwise known as Little Bay (a stone's throw away from Bob Marley's house). We wanted a trip where we could just unplug and unwind, and get away from the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives. The views were a-mah-zing; Jamaica is such a beautiful country. We had a blast, but I was very happy to get back home! After all, there's only so much rice and peas and rum girl can inhale without worrying about her figure. Here are some pics from our romantic little rendezvous in Jam-Rock...

As you can see, the water is crystal clear, the sunsets are breathtaking, and even the shanties have so much character and life. It really was a beautiful trip, and I'm happy to have Jamaica as the first stamp on my new passport!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Manger Avec Moi

Hellllloooo my darlings! I know, I know. It's been waaaaay too long. But I was on vacation for a week (vacay pics to follow), and I had several bracelet orders to fulfill. And now I'm back... isn't that really all that matters? I've been trying to cook a bit more, so I thought I'd jump right in with some tips from your resident gourmet goddess... That's me, in case you missed the memo. Let's dish:

1. Love fresh garlic? I do. I put garlic in everything, and not to keep the vampires away... I just love it. I used to buy the jar of minced garlic, but then noticed that the cloves themselves are so much cheaper. But peeling and mincing every time you want to cook something is SO annoying! Well, I have the perfect solution for you. You'll need a food processor or chopper, but it's a cinch, and keeps ready-to-use fresh garlic at your fingertips. Buy several cloves of garlic, peel them all at once, throw them into the food processor, and chop to the desired consistency. When done, scoop all of the minced garlic into a freezer bag, and run your hand over it to flatten (make sure to get all of the air out). Pop into the freezer, and you're done! Now, anytime you need some fresh garlic (which is almost always for me), all you have to do is break off a chunk, and throw it in the pan! I've been cooking out of the same bag of garlic for at least a month now. Totally worth it, and still cheaper than buying the pre-minced!

2. This tip is for my readers who live in apartments or have limited yard space, but want to have a go at growing their own herbs and veggies. You know those big, multi-purpose plastic bins? They're not just for storing sweaters during the summer! You can use them as your own little garden boxes on balconies or decks, and plant all kinds of goodies to have readily available when you're having a Julia Child moment. Make sure you buy the larger ones that are at least 8-10 inches high, so your plants have room to grow. Also make sure you use a good quality potting soil, plant the seeds no more than 2 inches below the surface, and make sure they get plenty of water and sunlight. We have a patio deck that gets great sun, so I recently started my own little garden. So far, I have scallions, chives, and Italian flat leaf parsley. Basil, cilantro, dill, beefsteak tomatoes and bell peppers are next on my list. This is the perfect planting solution for people with limited space.

Scallions and chives!

3. For those of you who do not have a meat thermometer, here's an easy way to tell if your meat is fully cooked: touch it. Press down on it with your spatula, and see how soft it is. If it is firm and presses back... It's probably done. You don't want to overcook any meat, because overcooking causes meat to dry out. Also, don't forget to rest your meat for at least 5 minutes after cooking! Just remove from the pan, place on a plate, and tent it with some foil. This process allows for the meat to reabsorb all of its yummy natural juices, aka FLAVOR.

 Well, that concludes the tips for the day. Check back soon for more from the REAL Atlanta housewife! xo

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

It's Been a Long Time; Shouldn't Have Left You...

Hello, my lovelies! Oh, how I've missed you so. Believe it or not, I've been uber busy lately. You know, catching up on all of the latest reality television shows, and reading the latest issue of Marie Claire. I kid! Although, (small confession) I did spend a lot of time the past couple weeks reading lots of books that in no way shape or form contributed to my intellect. But hey, it's been forever since I had the chance to read some good, brainless books, so I can't say that I'm sorry about that. Other than that, I have been a busy little bee, trying to get a new endeavor up and running. If you're a loyal reader, you'll notice that ol' bloggeroo looks a bit different. That's because I've added my bracelet boutique, Hankook Soul to the mix! I can just hear you now, "Hankook Soul? Where did she come up with that?" Well, let me explain... (Don't worry, I won't get into the details of my bracelets in all of their glory; I figure if you're interested, you'll check the boutique tab out all on your own. You don't need me to hold your hand through all of that, now do you?)

This is the South Korean flag. I got it here.
You may or may not have realized (or known) by now that I am what some people like to call "blasian," meaning that I'm mixed with Black-American and Asian (specifically, Korean). Well, Hankook Soul is my own personal tribute to my heritage - a whole lotta Korean, and a whole lotta soul. You see, "hankook" means "Korean" ... in Korean; and "soul" is defined by as "a strong positive feeling ... conveyed especially by black performers." (See how I did that?) So, I felt like the two together really embodied me. After all, isn't that really what one is looking for when creating a brand? Hankook Soul is a part of the BnE Collection, which is featured on I'm building my library of designs slowly but surely - please bear with me. It's hard wearing all of these hats: blogger, artiste extraordinaire, jewelry-maker and wife ... but I'm lovin' it.

So, now that the introductions are out of the way, please take a look-see at what Hankook Soul is all about. I promise you won't be disappointed. Well, I can't really promise that, now can I? Let's leave it at I hope you like (or love) what you see. And place lots of orders (I am a housewife, after all!). And tell all of your friends. And tell them to tell their friends. I'll be posting links to my Etsy shop soon.*

In parting, I wish you love, peace and SOUL ... Hankook Soul, that is!

*The hubs and I are embarking on an adventure in a couple of days, so I'm going to be MIA for at least a week. Try not to miss me too much. Hopefully I'll come back rested and rejuvenated, and ready to take on the world!  

Sunday, February 12, 2012

We'll Miss You, Whitney.

Social media was all abuzz last night with the news of the death of Whitney Houston; she was just 48. Houston is said to have been found with her face underwater in her bathtub at the Beverly Hills Hotel; her cause of death has yet to be determined. She is survived by daughter, Bobbi Kristina, and her adopted son, Nicholas Gordon. Houston touched many lives with her angelic voice and her striking beauty. In her career, she was the recipient of 2 Emmy Awards, 6 Grammy Awards, 22 American Music Awards, and 30 Billboard Music Awards. Her album Whitney was the first female album to ever debut at #1 on the Billboard Charts; to date, she has sold over 200 million albums world wide. She was one of not just America's, but the world's sweethearts, one who managed to transcend race and genre boundaries with her talent. What saddens me the most is that her amazing career and legacy were overshadowed by her long and highly-publicized bout with drugs and alcohol. For years, she was the subject of ridicule and jokes. Stories of a disheveled and discombobulated Whitney, forgetting the words to her classic songs and missing important events circulated widely, and her erratic behavior on the reality show Being Bobby Brown was undeniable. The Queen of Pop took a sad and dramatic tumble off of her pedestal in the media. (The media giveth, and they also taketh away. I blame Bobby.)

I have always been a Whitney Houston fan; Whitney was one of the first cd's I ever bought with my own money. I belted Whitney tunes at the top of my lungs; I even sang her songs in my sleep (true story ... let's call that a confession). I was fortunate enough to see the talented Ms. Houston at the peak of her career in Las Vegas at the MGM Grand, for the 1994 leg of The Bodyguard World Tour. It was every bit as breathtaking as you can imagine; even today, it ranks in the Top 5 concerts that I have ever attended. She was a diva by definition, a class act, an iconic songstress, and an exemplary performer -- raw talent at its purest and finest. The studio artists of today would be well-served to take notes from her (although all of the notes in the world cannot equate to the purity of her voice). THAT is the Whitney Houston that I will always remember.

In tragedies such as this, it is important to remember that celebrities such as Whitney Houston are people, too. Everyone has problems; however, not everyone's problems are highly-publicized, enabling others to pass judgment. In her memory, let us celebrate the legacy that she left behind, and for once, let the awesomeness of her achievements overshadow her shortcomings.

And so I leave you with a little tidbit of Ms. Whitney herself. Although I'd love to be able to simply post my favorite Whitney Houston song; with her discography and long list of noteworthy tunes, it is a task that is truly impossible. Instead, I'll give you one of my favorite pictures of the beautiful Ms. Houston herself. R.I.P., Whitney. I salute you.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

No H8

One small step for the LGTB Community, and one large step for equality in America! A federal appeals court ruled California's same-sex marriage ban (known as Proposition 8) unconstitutional today, declaring it a violation of the civil rights of gay and lesbian people. "Proposition 8 serves no purpose, and has no effect, other than to lessen the status and human dignity of gays and lesbians in California," Judge Stephen Reinhardt wrote in Tuesday's ruling. Although this ruling applies only to California, the list of states allowing same-sex marriages is growing, and this is considered to be a huge victory in the ongoing battle for equality.

Now, I hate to overshadow good news with bad, but I have to say, this decision is really refreshing after the recent possible hate crime that occurred in Southwest Atlanta just last Saturday. A teenager was brutally beaten outside of a convenience store by gang members who shouted anti-gay slurs at him; the entire incident was captured by the store's video surveillance. The FBI is working with the Atlanta police to investigate the crime, and determine whether the actions shown in the video violate Federal statutes against hate crimes. Anyone who might have information about this incident is encouraged to contact the Atlanta Crime Stoppers Hotline at 404-577-TIPS. Tips can be given anonymously, and compensation may be awarded.

It's important to remember that although we are taking baby steps towards progress and equality, there are still folks out there pushing us three steps back with deplorable actions like this. It takes a village, people. We all have to stand together for what's right. Do your part, love thy neighbor, and stop the hate. Besides, if this really is our last year on earth, do you really want to waste your time hating people? Think about it; together we can all make a difference. Peace and love!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Redemption Song

Monday, bloody Monday! Did everybody get their football and junk food fix last night? I honestly don't care enough about sports to sit through an entire game of football when my Gators aren't playing, so I only tuned in during halftime. 

. . .

What. Was. That? Believe you me, I love me some Madonna (well, at least old school Madge - "Music" and older). Who doesn't? She's the fiercest, the original "don't give a f*ck," in your face, superstar. In fact, I liked Madonna so much as a child, that I stood in line in SOUTH KOREA to buy The Immaculate Collection on cassette, because I was out of the country during its release. No joke. But last night's debacle was just that, a debacle. The material matron was doing the wobble, baby (and I don't mean the newest dance craze to hit the scene)! She almost fell a couple of times, and was totally out of breath. It honestly made me a bit uncomfortable to see her trying so hard for relevancy. I don't want to remember that Madonna. I want to remember the Madonna with the cone bras, and the hot chained up guys. Not the Madonna prancing around in too-tall-for-someone-her-age-to-be-dancing-in boots, madly flourishing gold pom-poms and screaming at me to L-U-V Madonna! Yikes. That said - her production rocked, and it was entertaining, to say the least.

Okay, let me stop harping on last night's halftime show ... Moving on (because I could probably go on forever), today is Bob Marley's birthday!

(6 February 1945 – 11 May 1981)
He was more than just a reggae legend; he was a revolutionary.* His music, although it sounds like clever lyrics over a funky, Caribbean, ska beat, was wildly political. As the third world's first superstar musician, he used his notoriety to speak out against apartheid in Africa, and to be the voice of his people and black resistance. I think that maybe too often, people associate the memory of Bob Marley with lazy days and ganja smoke; but they neglect to honor the memory of what he fought for and believed in. People have managed to commercialize him, effectively softening his militancy, and thus, not truly honoring his legacy. In the book Reggae and Caribbean Music, author Dave Thompson addresses this issue as such:

Today's Black History Month Tribute goes to Bob Marley, the militant revolutionary, the Rastafari, the original Tuff Gong. So, Get Up, Stand Up, put your lighters up, and t'row on I Shot the Sherriff; let's give this man the props he deserves.

*He was also a bit of a philanderer, with a total of 11 children (acknowledged on the official website; there may be more). Only 3 were with his wife, Rita. Fun-filled fact of the day:  in 1972 alone, he fathered three children, who were all born within a month of each other. Bloodclot! Ya boi got around, yunno? Talk about Kinky Reggae.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

It's Groundhog Day!

Happy Groundhog Day, peeps! That pesky Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow again, so it looks like Old Man Winter just can't get enough of us ... probably because it's been unseasonably warm, and he doesn't want La Niña to steal his shine. I feel it necessary to point out that since his [great-grandfather's] first prediction in 1887, Punxsutawney Phil has seen his shadow 99 times, signaling six more weeks of winter. Phil has only predicted the end of winter 16 times in history. Seems to me that maybe that is an indication that the groundhog malarkey is, well, hogwash.

Since the whole Groundhog Day thing is [possibly] just a farce (that continues, no doubt, just to keep that portly man in the top hat happy), I'm going to forget that it is whatever holiday that makes you live your day over and over again, and direct the focus back to Black History Month. It is, after all, the shortest month of the year (although this year, we get an extra day due to the leap year), so why should we have to share it with a stinking rodent that doesn't give a crap about his shadow OR winter? Let's move on.

Fun-filled fact of the day: On February 2, 1990, President De Klerk of South Africa lifted the 30-year ban on the African National Congress (ANC), the nation's leading anti-apartheid group. Additionally, he announced that the group's leader, Nelson Mandela, would be released from prison after 27 years. I know that Black History Month is an American thing, but this group - its principles, its opposition and its success, are something to be celebrated. So, I ask this of you:  today, instead of complaining about the six more [unseasonably warm and temperate] weeks of winter, let's all take a moment to be thankful for our freedom. Which is really perfect, because we all probably managed to overlook National Freedom Day yesterday! Ta-ta for now, my lovelies. Enjoy your day ... and your freedom. Peace and love!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

At Last ... Miss Peaches Found Her Peace

Last Friday, January 20, legendary songstress and "Matriarch of R&B," Etta James, passed away after her battle with leukemia. She would have turned 84 today. Miss Peaches will always have a special place in my heart - I danced my first dance with my husband to her timeless classic, "At Last." That's a moment I will never forget.

Today, on her birthday, let us celebrate the life, the legend, and the longevity of Miss Etta James, whose memory will live on forever in her music.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

YOU Are Possibly the Coolest Person I Know...

Hi, gorgeous! It's National Compliment Day, an unofficial national holiday, created by two imaginative New Hampshire natives Kathy Chamberlin and Debby Hoffman back in 1998. Time for a confession: I love compliments. Big ones, small ones, sincere ones, wholehearted ones, halfhearted ones, fake ones ... Who cares? I don't discriminate; any ego stroke is a good stroke, in my book. Perhaps that makes me a bit self-involved, but let's be real ... who doesn't like compliments?? Nice words make people feel good; they just do. So, do your part today. (You should actually probably try doing this every day, but let's face it, sometimes you just don't feel like being nice.) Tell somebody something that you like about them today - make someone smile. You just might get a compliment back ... in which case, you'll probably smile ... and smiling is good for the soul. See how it's all worth it? I'll lead the way:

You're good enough; you're smart enough; and doggone it, people like you!


...if you don't care to make anyone else smile, but you still want to do something good for your soul - compliment yourself. You'll still probably smile. Just give yourself a look-see in the mirror and say, "Damn, I look good." I'll allow the vain self-indulgences today, but only because it's National Compliment Day. I'm pretty sure there aren't any rules. It's not like it's National Compliment Somebody Else Day. Until next time, my highly intelligent and strikingly good looking readers! 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Power to the People!

Today, in support of the SOPA/PIPA protest, I'm also doing a blackout. I know that this just a little ol' blog, and that I don't reach as many people as Wikipedia or Reddit; but every little bit counts. It takes a village, people! So, please take the time that you would be spending reading my blog to instead read up on the topic at hand! Do some research - and if you agree that SOPA and PIPA violate your first amendment rights, contact your local representatives, or sign the petition. Together, we can all make a difference. 

Monday, January 16, 2012

Happy Birthday, Dr. King.

Martin Luther King, Jr. is celebrated today, January 16, 2012, one day after he would have turned 83 years old. Today, many of us are off of work, enjoying the many luxuries that we often take for granted. Some have more than others: nice cars, vacation homes, private jets ... but we all have our freedom. We all have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of our own happiness. So today, let us not forget the struggle that came before us, the loooong trek to the mountaintop of civil liberty. Let us celebrate how far we as a nation have come; but also not forget how far we still have to go. Today, let us remember a man who helped to pioneer the Civil Rights Movement, and challenged our nation to lift [itself] "from the quick sands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood." Happy Birthday, Dr. King - today we celebrate your memory and your vision.


Excerpt of speech taken from YouTube

*If you live in Atlanta, and have not been to the MLK memorial - for shame! You should get on over there, at least just to see it. Culture, remember? Get you some! 

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Weekly Rewind

It appears as though we have reached another Sunday! I love Sundays for their sheer laziness and indulgence - sleeping in late, BRUNCH (Because who doesn't love brunch ... and bloody marys or mimosas?), lounging around all day, marathons of various intelligence-reducing-reality-television delights to tickle your fancy ... what's not to love? Well, they also mean catching up on different odds and ends, taking care of last minute chores, and finishing up last-minute details before the beginning of a new work week (for my 9-to-5 readers out there). SO, get out there and really enjoy the remainder of your weekend, folks! Whether that means sitting around your house, reveling in doing absolutely nothing, or getting out and enjoying this beautiful (albeit cold) weather we're having - enjoy your Sunday! Now, on to the Weekly Rewind...

January 9 - Jay-Z and B.I.C. release "Glory"
The lyrics of this song pretty much speak for themselves. It was really nice to be made privy to some of the more personal details of Jay and Bey's struggles with conceiving. Knowing what I do now, I stand my my earlier position that it doesn't matter whether or not the rumors about Beyonce's pregnancy were true. I don't know about you, but I can't wait to see what "a pinch of Hov [and] a whole glass of B" turns out like!

January 9 - Bibbidi-bobbidi, WHO? 
NPR blog, The Two-Way, reported on Monday that police in Madison, Wisconsin arrested Beezow Doo-Doo Zopittybop-Bop-Bop, after receiving several complaints that the man was prowling around a neighborhood park. 

*record scratch*  Yes, you read that correctly. The man, formerly known as Jeffrey Wilschke, legally changed his name last October to Beezow Doo-Doo Zopittybop-Bop-Bop. I can't help but laugh at this story (considering that his last arrest was for grinding marijuana in another Madison park, and no one appears to have been hurt, I think it's safe to say that he's relatively harmless). You know, like a fairy tale character.

January 12 - Not Illegal, but Not Exactly Lax
Indiana mom Dynesha Lax got creative with her tough love method of raising her 14-year-old son, forcing him to stand on the side of the road wearing a cardboard sign advertising his indiscretions to passing motorists :

..."I sell drug"? Stay in school, kids.

Well, that concludes this week's Weekly Rewind! Last week was a bit stingy on the crazy, but I've got a good feeling about what's to come this week. Y'all come back now, ya hear?

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Tips From a Gourmet Goddess

Today, I thought I would start a new series for this blog, entitled "Tips From a Gourmet Goddess," in which I share different recipes and foodstuffs that I love, so that you too can partake in them. But what makes me a gourmet goddess, you ask? Well, I like to consider myself a bit of a foodie (I'm not quite a hardcore foodie, because I draw the line at eating things like chicken feet and chicken hearts, or any random part of the digestive tract (because it smells probably smells like poo)) ... and I'm also a pretty decent cook (I would say I'm better than decent, but you would probably find it vain). But the real inspiration for the gourmet goddess title came from my hubs.

Here's the back story: I hosted my very first legit Thanksgiving dinner last year with 10 people. A night or two before Thanksgiving, the hubs called me from work with a random question: "Do you consider yourself to be a domestic diva, or a gourmet goddess?" My response? "Probably a gourmet goddess. I like to cook, but I'm not very domestic; I hate to clean." Well, flash forward to the hubby's homecoming from work, and lo and behold, he had a surprise present for me! I don't know about you, but I love surprise prezzies! (Who am I kidding? I just like stuff.) What was it, you ask? I'm sure you're waiting with bated breath. Well, C, being the thoughtful hubs that he is, remembered that I had complained about not having an apron (because I obviously need to protect my designer duds sweatpants when I am in the kitchen creating my culinary masterpieces); and since Thanksgiving was quickly approaching, and with it, the nine-hour long, ultra-tedious meal preparation, my oh-so-thoughtful hubs bought me one!

Note the already-lit gas stove in the back. See? Told you I was a gourmet goddess.
So, now that you know the back story on why I'm a gourmet goddess, let's move on to some tips, shall we? Today's recipe is the one I always go to for a fail-proof steak dinner that is sure to impress. If you like red meat, and you've always wanted to know how to execute the perfect "home" steak, this recipe's for you. Big thanks to Alton Brown of the Food Network, for always knowing how to make some Good Eats (and for creating this recipe). I'm only listing the directions for the ribeye, but an easy solution for the side is to just toss some asparagus spears with a touch of olive oil, salt and pepper, then spread out on a cookie sheet, and roast in the oven (while your steak is cooking) for about 10 mins, and voila!


  • 1 boneless rib eye steak, 1 1/2-inch thick
  • Canola oil to coat
  • Kosher salt and ground black pepper


Place 10 to 12-inch cast iron skillet in oven and heat oven to 500 degrees. Bring steak(s) to room temperature. (I don't have a cast iron skillet, so I use a non-stick pan with metal handles that is approved for use in the oven.)

When oven reaches temperature, remove pan and place on range over high heat. Coat steak lightly with oil and season both sides with a generous pinch of salt. (I season my steaks ahead of time. Another good tip is to take your steaks out of the refrigerator at least one hour before cooking; it makes the meat super tender!) Grind on black pepper to taste. (I also like to add a dash of garlic powder and onion powder for good measure.)

Immediately place steak in the middle of hot, dry pan. Cook 30 seconds without moving. Turn with tongs and cook another 30 seconds, then put the pan straight into the oven for 2 minutes. (*Don't use a fork!* All of the juices will run out, and you'll be left with a dry steak. Nobody likes dry meat, amiright?) Flip steak and cook for another 2 minutes. (This time is for medium rare steaks. If you prefer medium, add a minute or longer to both of the oven turns.)

Remove steak from pan, cover loosely with foil, and rest for at least 2 minutes. (This allows all of the yummy juices to absorb back into the steak before you serve them. This is possibly the most important step of the recipe.)
That's it, folks. Now, put it in your belly! 

Give this recipe a whirl - if you're looking for a quick fix for dinner, or you're looking to impress a mother-in-law, current/future wife, or potential husband/man of your dream/future father of your future children - this recipe never disappoints. Happy cooking from your own resident gourmet goddess!

Until next time, my dears...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

These are My Confessions...

It's time for a bit of a proper introduction to the "True Confessions of a Real Housewife of Atlanta." But what, exactly, is a "true confession?" Confessions can be different things to different people. A confession could mean letting one of those sneaky little skeletons out of the closet, and divulging a long-guarded secret. Confession could mean sitting opposite a priest in an actual confessional, listing all of your sins, apologizing, getting some penance homework, repeating an Act of Contrition, and [hopefully] receiving absolution from the aforementioned priest. (Well, it would only mostly mean that if you are Catholic, Protestant, Lutheran, Anglican, or Mormon. But, I digress.) Confession could also imply that you were arrested for committing a crime, and that you eventually tired of the dark, musty, interrogation room, with the bright lights being shined into your eyes, and the grumpy brute of a detective shouting, "Where were you on the night of May 5th?!?" in your face, spraying you with drops of spittle, and refusing to let you use the restroom, even though you asked very politely (for a criminal). So you finally gave in, walked said detective through every tedious detail of your no-doubt heinous crime, and then he handed you a legal pad and a pencil to "now write the whole thing down."*

The point is, the word confession has a lot of heavy connotations. But the thing is, it doesn't have to be that deep. A confession doesn't have to be an open window into the darkest corners of your soul. It can just be something that you admit, or acknowledge. Yes, it's that easy. defines "confession" as follows:

So, this brings us back full circle (love it when that happens!) to this blog. What exactly was going through this crazy mind of mine when I decided to create this blog? Well, I definitely was not thinking about Confessions, in the Usher sense (even though he is a fellow ATLien). Fortunately, I have no future baby mama concerns with my chick on the side who is three months pregnant and says she's keeping it. Additionally, seeing as to how I'm (a) not Catholic (or any of those other religions that practice the formal confession of sins), or (b) guilty of committing any crimes, I think I was thinking more along the lines of a combination of the first and third definitions. This blog is my attempt, not at total transparency ... but at a little insight into the lifestyles of the not-so-rich and not-so-famous and the not-at-all-scripted reality television show that is my life. 

...And so I offer you my confessions, all true and from the heart (however black and dismal it may feel that day) of a legitimate, REAL housewife (although less-than-enthused over the current title ... because I'd much rather be working than doing housework, which is what my life, it appears, has been regulated to ... besides blogging, a healthy amount of Facebok stalking (because yes, there is a level of Facebook stalking that graduates you from morbidly curious to full-on creeper), and just being overall fabulous, of course) of Atlanta (who just happens to love all things Housewives (especially you, Andy Cohen)). Hopefully you'll find things that make you laugh, things that pique your interest, things you want to do, things you want to put in your belly, things you have to have, and sometimes just some things that make you go "hmmm." But be warned, the confessions aren't always going to be "confessions" in the typical sense; sometimes you're just going to get little gems like, "I like rice. A lot." (True confession.) Perhaps "true confessions..." is a bit of a dramatic title for what I'm trying to accomplish, here ... but dramatic's kind of my style. 

What are some of your true confessions? I'd love to hear 'em! Until next time, kiddos ... hugs and fake air kisses from your favorite Atl homemaker!**

*Whew. That one got away from me a little bit. What can I say? I watch a lot of crime shows. But really, have you ever wondered why they make them go through the whole story before they hand them the legal pad? If I ever commit a crime for which I confess, I'm going to tell them that I would like my legal pad immediately. Then I can write it down, and they can read it for themselves, then get back to me with any questions. Because my time as a criminal would obviously be very valuable.

**Do people still use the term "homemaker?" I rather like the sound of "homemaker" better than that of "housewife." To me, homemaker implies that I alone make the home. As if the home just wouldn't be the same without me. That it couldn't live without me; that the thought of me leaving the home sends it spiraling into a bender filled with country music, cheap whiskey, geoffries, and furry walls. I am a homemaker. I complete my house; I had it at hello. That sounds so much more attractive than housewife, doesn't it? Then again, "The Real Homemakers of Atlanta" just doesn't quite have the same ring to it. 

Monday, January 9, 2012

High Brow Art with a High-Yellow Broad*

On Friday, the hubs and I spent the afternoon at the High Museum, exploring their Picasso to Warhol exhibit. It was our first time going there, so we didn't know what to expect.  What a pleasant surprise; the exhibit is wonderful! I was so impressed by the collection. They have some really breathtaking pieces on display, including several that would be recognizable even to the fine art novice. There are mobiles by Calder, oil paintings by Picasso and paper collages by Matisse. The styles range from Cubism to Fauvism to Pop Art; from the real to the surreal. For all of my Atlantans out there - if you have a free afternoon, and you haven't already been, I highly recommend that you pay a little visit to the High Museum. Parking was $10 in the campus garage; adult admission was $18 (Foursquare offers a $5 off coupon when you check in; Scout Mob should also have the same coupon). If art is kind of your thing, and you dig the museum scene, the High offers different packages that include unlimited admission, free parking and various other perks/discounts at the cafes and gift shops.

For those of you who don't live in Atlanta (i.e., a stone's throw away from the museum), I took pics of some of my favorites (because everyone should see a Picasso at some point in their lives) to share with you. I know, I know - SO thoughtful, right? I do it all for you, folks.

Please excuse the quality of the pictures. Taking cell phone pics when you have a perfectly good digital SLR collecting dust at home = epic FAIL. I promise to do better next time, guys. Mean it. In the meantime, go see Picasso to Warhol; it's only going to be around until April 29, 2012 ... so hurry up and go get yourself some culture, yo.

*The title of this post was taken from "Off That," from Jay-Z's The Blueprint 3. It shouldn't come as any surprise that Jigga loves fine art; he has spoken repeatedly for his love of the finer things in life. He has touted his Basquiat and Warhol pieces throughout the years; I've now seen exhibits for both of these artists. Thanks to my hip-hoppin' hubs for sharing this link, explaining Hov's love for fine art. Enjoy! Hip-hop is culture, too.