Thursday, December 29, 2011

...Guess Who's Back? [Again.]

I know. I'm SO fired. In my last posts (in September), I promised to update more frequently. Well . . . that obviously didn't happen. In my defense, I have been busy trying to finish up my last semester at school (for now); however, I won't make excuses, or bore you with the minute details as to why you should totally understand why I haven't been exactly prolific with my blogging. I'll just say I'm sorry, and hope that you're picturing me batting my eyelashes, giving you an apologetic, yet coy, look and sheepish grin . . . and that you find that look impossible to resist, so you forgive me and just keep reading. I'll also hope that instead of being upset that I've neglected you for so long, you'll instead rejoice at the fact that I am back, and in full effect!* So let's get to the nitty gritty, shall we?

A lot has happened since my last post. Well, let me clarify, because that implies that I have experienced major, life-changing events in the past 2-3 months, and that is not the case. I say a lot has happened, because it's been three months. Stuff happens every day; of course a lot has happened in ninety of them.

Instead of giving you the rundown on all that's happened, I'll summarize . . . In the past three months, I have: made a few new friends, reconnected with some old ones, been to a few great events, hosted my first Thanksgiving dinner with ten people, done a lot of sitting on my couch, made some bracelets, tried a few new recipes, stayed out until 4 a.m. more often than I have in a looooooong time, sipped on an eighteen year-old scotch, and discovered a few new places for good eats.** All in all, I'd say I'm adjusting to Atl quite nicely!

*S/O to my friend Christa for inspiring me to get back to the blogosphere. She's new to this blogging thing, so please make sure to check her out at Da Spicy Peach, and show her some el-oh-vee-ee.
**Reviews, updates, and more info to follow - please check back sooner than later!